Alki’s purpose is to communicate philosophical and substantive analyses of current and enduring issues for and about Washington libraries, personnel, and advocates and to facilitate the exchange of research, opinion, and information.
Alki believes that library work is not neutral. We believe in the dignity and worth of all people. We recognize that the goal of producing an antiracist professional journal is a process that we will be continuously working on for the duration of Alki’s existence.
Our practices are centered around our core values of equity and Open Access (OA). We understand equity in its most expansive sense to include diversity, inclusion, antiracism, and accessibility as defined by ALA in Policy Manual section B.3.1.1. Our peer-review process is open and transparent and serves to hold editors accountable to one another and the authors.
Creating an inclusive Alki requires intentionality. We strive to reflect values of intersectionality and cultural humility in our work. We will hold ourselves accountable by regularly reminding ourselves to pay attention to the harmful or exclusionary aspects in our profession we may inherit and endeavor to disrupt and critique these legacies and our own biases so we can address them. We recognize that our personal backgrounds, identity, and experiences create strengths as well as blind spots in our editorial perspectives, and we aim to be transparent, continuing to learn and engage in thoughtful dialogue.
We commit to taking feedback with open hearts and commit to acknowledging our missteps; we will be transparent about our evolution and growth. We hope that our work continues to encourage positive change in our Washington library communities.
Because Alki is the official publication of the Washington Library Association (WLA), the Editor-in-Chief has a responsibility to convey to the membership and other readers accurate information about Association actions and activities within the scope of a balanced and readable publication, as well as in accordance with its purpose. With regard to Association activities, the extent and style of coverage is the Editor-in-Chief’s prerogative. In order to carry out this responsibility, the Editor-in-Chief may have access to privileged information. The Editor-in-Chief must assume an obligation to represent WLA’s best interests and its units fairly and as fully as possible within the scope of the journal. The Editor-in-Chief is guaranteed independence in gathering, reporting, and publishing news and opinions according to WLA’s position on intellectual freedom.
The Editor-in-Chief and Alki Editorial Committee are committed to:
Providing a fair, balanced, accurate, and comprehensive account of events and issues;
Supporting the open exchange and expression of diverse viewpoints;
Encouraging publication of content about all matters of importance to libraries and librarians, regardless of geographic location;
Giving a voice to the variety of institutional types and constituencies that exist within the library community.
Statements of official WLA positions on any matters shall be clearly identified as such when published in Alki. The Editor-in-Chief is free to analyze and interpret such matters as their judgment dictates, and such analysis and interpretation should appear over the editor’s signature.
The Alki Editor-in-Chief is responsible for providing a balanced mixture of relevant and thoughtful articles and other features on the problems, responsibilities, and concerns of all library personnel. They are responsible for selecting issue themes, issuing calls for papers, communicating with authors and potential authors, leading Editorial Committee meetings, and managing the peer review process. The Alki Editor-in-Chief reports to the WLA President and is evaluated by the President with input from the Alki Editorial Committee Chair(s).
The Alki Web Editor is responsible for website design, management, and preparation of all Alki content for web presence, including DOI assignment and web formatting of each article. The Alki Web Editor reports to the WLA President and is evaluated by the President with input from the Alki Editorial Committee Chair(s).
The Alki Editorial Committee, led by the Editorial Committee Chair(s), is responsible for ensuring that the journal remains current and relevant to the needs of the library community. The committee provides direction to the Editor-in-Chief with general oversight from the Editorial Committee Chair(s). The committee is charged with proposing Alki policies and developing day-to-day operating procedures (i.e., selection of themes, content solicitation and development, etc.). Committee members are appointed by the WLA President and serve one-year terms. The Marketing and Communications Committee Chair and a student of an ALA-accredited library school may serve as Ex-officio committee members.
The Washington Library Association (WLA) does not assume any legal liability or responsibility for errors or damages of any kind resulting from access to its journal or use of the information contained therein. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented as factual.
The statements, comments or opinions expressed by contributors to the journals are those of their respective authors, who are solely responsible for them, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Washington Library Association (WLA).
AI and Generative AI tools have an increasing impact on writing and publication as AI options expand and they gain sophistication. In support of our purpose to “facilitate the exchange of research, opinion, and information” we have created a Generative Artificial Intelligence Policy. Our policy is designed to communicate our expectations for authors and what authors can expect from us. It is a living statement that we will grow and adapt as the landscape surrounding AI continues to evolve.
The use of generative AI in the process of research or drafting of a submitted manuscript must be disclosed in a Use of Generative AI Disclosure Statement. This should include the tool and version used, the date of use, prompts submitted to the tool, and how the generated content was used, modified, or incorporated in the final manuscript. This applies to any tool that generates text, images, citations; aids in the development of ideas, arguments, or analysis; or translates text written by outside authors. Generative AI tools that are used within the research process outside of the drafting of the manuscript must also be included in the Methods or comparable section to describe their use in detail and improve replicability.
Standard tools used to improve grammar and/or spelling are not considered generative AI and may be used at the discretion of the author without disclosure.
Generative AI tools do not meet the criteria for authorship. Therefore, authors using these tools take responsibility for all information and materials submitted as part of a manuscript, such as cited facts, interpretations, and citations to other publications and/or authors.
Members of the Editorial Committee shall not submit any portion of a submitted manuscript to a generative AI tool for any purpose, including but not limited to copy editing or the production of editorial feedback.
The Editor and Editorial Committee retain the right to reject a manuscript if the use of Generative AI is believed to have violated Alki or Washington Library Association values, or run counter to the journal’s editorial policies.