This issue’s theme was decided by you and readers like you, dear Reader. We asked what you wanted to see from us and you spoke loudly and clearly. Disruptions are a daily occurrence and take infinite shapes in the library world: tech malfunctions, book challenges, even our own mental health can shake things up. In this issue, our authors discuss all of these topics and more, including Stephanie Wilson’s story about surviving an entire library rebuild while still serving patrons, and Christina-Marie Wright’s experience with finding sanctuary in a neurodiversity library. As you hear these tales of disruption and chaos, I encourage you to do as author Jennifer Sturge recommends and remember Mr. Rogers’ advice: find the helpers.
Alki Editor-in-Chief: Bethany McKinley
Alki Web Editor: Ray Zill
Alki Editorial Committee: Ann Dyer, chair; Mikayla Kittilstved, chair; Julie Graham; Miranda Hogue; Irene Miller; Anna Pederson; Marisa Petrich; Melanie Smith; Rebecca Stewart; Traci Timmons
Cover photo attribution: J. Tarner of KCLS: Governor Jay Inslee signs the ALA Freedom to Read Statement at the King County Library System all-staff StaffCon October 9, 2023, launching KCLS’ year-long Celebrate Freedom To Read campaign.