While libraries have a unique mission, we also face the same challenges and successes that any workplace does. This issue, entitled "You Are Not Imagining It," invites reflections and contributions on experienced organizational culture, including vocational awe, imposter syndrome, and more. Articles touch on topics like low morale, reflective workplace habits, summer reading programs, media literacy, and an ALA update.
Alki Editor: Johanna Jacobsen Kiciman
Alki Editorial Committee: Alaina Bull, Katie Brantley, Maggie Crelling, Brianna Hoffman, Ben Horvath, Joan Hua, Kristin Jewell, Claire Murata, Maura Walsh, Caitlin Wheeler
Design: Sonya Kopetz, KB design
Cover attribution: Art by Gwen Kempe, University of Washington Tacoma
Download the full-color PDF issue below.
by Danielle Miller
by Johanna Jacobsen Kiciman
by The Alki Editorial Committee
by Carolyn Logue
by Kaetrena Davis Kendrick
by Alex Byrne
by Sarah O'Hare
by Caitlin Hunsaker
by Sarah Logan
by Shawn Sheller
by Steven Bailey
by Craig Seasholes
by Emily Calkins
by Darcy McMurtery