We called for an issue on Resilience and Resolve, and the deadline for submissions came at the end of May. Before the senseless deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Manuel Ellis, and others. The context of Black Lives Matter matters, and there will be future issues devoted to accountability and antiracist efforts in our libraries in Washington. As a start, you will see reprinted the WLA’s statement on anti-racism. And Alki is launching a regular column on Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, with rotating columnists, to maintain a dedicated space to drive conversations forward. This column comes in addition to our belief that every Alki issue will have ongoing content about social justice work, which is so deeply entwined with our profession's values of equity and inclusion.
The articles you find here are primarily about COVID-19, and they center your experiences in libraries of resolve, but also of struggle. There are anonymous submissions that share the raw responses to lockdown and quarantine, and its effects on library workers. There is a call for disaster planning in libraries rooted in an examination of historical calls of the same nature. There are personal reflections that raise the questions of health and equity, and how libraries might reenvision themselves. There are pivots in programming, and reflections on what access means during a pandemic. There is poetry.
And there is emotion. As Editor, I chose to let the feelings speak for themselves, and took a very light hand to editing this issue. We need spaces to process feelings, and it is humbling that folks have chosen Alki as a place to do so. Thank you.
Alki Editor: Johanna Jacobsen Kiciman
Alki Editorial Committee: Suzanne Carlson-Prandini, committee chair; Katie Brantley; Elizabeth Bruno; Troi Gale; Linda Johns; Katy Olsen; Lauren Pressley; Kelsey Smith; Maura Walsh; Michelle Urberg
Design: Sonya Kopetz, KB design
Cover attribution: Art by Rhonda Kitchens, a Librarian Artist. You can find her work at rhondakwrites.com
Download the full-color PDF issue below.
by Emily Keller
by Johanna Jacobsen Kiciman
by The Alki Editorial Committee and Alki Editor
by The WLA
by Cindy Aden
by Carolyn Logue
by Anonymous
by Sophia Du Val and Amanda C.R. Clark
by Sara Harrington
by Kelsey Smith
by Alicia Wilson
by Maggie Block, Melissa Glenn, Melissa Mather, and Jennifer Wooten
by Margaret Lundberg
by Whatcom County Library System Staff
by Christine Perkins
by Robin Jeffrey
by Hanna White
by Lisa Steudel
by Pyper Stever
by Sarah Threlkeld
by David Wright
by Darcy McMurtery
by The Alki Editorial Committee