Among the most inspiring talks at the conference came from ALA President Sari Feldman, and you can fnd out more about her and ALA’s “Libraries Transform” initiative in an interview with Steven Bailey (p. 7). Te conference sessions lef an impression for a number of contributors: Molly Allen recaps SAIL’s Library Programming for Adults “unconference” (p. 10); Sheri Boggs was happy she chose to attend “Happy at Work” (p. 15); and Amanda Clark fnds value in both a business pre-conference session and a regular session on library advocacy (p. 14). Craig Seasholes discusses how he and co-presenter Cindy Ulrey prepared for their session on navigating reading levels (p. 17), and Tami Robinson discusses ancient wisdom and provides historical context for the conference theme (p. 12).
You’ll also fnd a host of relevant and timely articles beyond the conference. Te opening of the Folio Athenaeum, a membership library practically across the street from the Seattle Public Library’s Central branch, caused quite a stir, and Tony Wilson shares his thoughts (p. 19). Shireen Deboo discusses what it’s like to teach Research 101 at the Washington Corrections Center for Women (p. 27) and Danielle Duvall discusses new strategies to connect with refugees and the homeless in King County (p. 22). Allison Reibel recaps the frst Social Justice and Libraries open conference (p. 21), Becky Ramsey Leporati gives us an insider’s view of life at an academic publisher (p. 25), and Sean Fullerton considers fanfction as makerspaces for creative writers (p. 26).
I’m happy to introduce Brianna Hofman as WLA’s newest President; let’s see what she has to say in Up Front (p. 4). John Sheller and Christine Peck recap events from National Library Legislative Day (p. 6), members of the Puget Sound Council for Review of Children’s and Young Adult Literature highlight books with notable notes (p. 29), and Sheri Boggs steps in for David Wright and picks some of Eastern Washington’s fnest books in I’d Rather Be Reading (p. 30). And as always, celebrate the latest news from your colleagues throughout the state in Communiqué, including the appointment of Cindy Aden as the new Washington State Librarian along with exciting new information about WLA and next year’s conference.
Alki Editor: Frank Brasile
Alki Editorial Committee: Sheri Boggs, committee chair; Molly Allen; Steven Bailey; Kelly Evans; Sean Fullerton; Becky Ramsey; Tami Robinson; Anna Shelton; Tony Wilson
Cover Photo: ©Rawpixel Ltd, iStock
Download the full-color PDF issue below.
by Brianna Hoffman
by Frank Brasile
by John Sheller and Christine Peck
by Steven Bailey
by Molly Allen
by Tami Robinson
by Amanda Clark
by Sheri Boggs
by Craig Seasholes
by Tony Wilson
by Alison Reibel
by Danielle Duvall
by Becky Ramsey Leporati
by Sean Fullerton
by Shireen Deboo
by Teresa Bateman, Karen I. Williams, Eve Datisman
by Sheri Boggs