Reimagining a physical space can breathe new life into a library, no matter the physical size of the building or collections: Molly Allen outlines the collaborations that make the Academic Resource Center at the Central Washington University Library a success (p.6), and Diane Cowles (p. 8), Katy McLaughlin (p.10) and Julia Thompson (p. 12) write about big changes to libraries large (The Seattle Public Library), medium (Mid-Columbia Libraries) and small (Holocaust Center for Humanity), respectively. Tigh Bradley’s observations on his experiences with the University of Washington’s enormous Suzzallo library and Fort Vancouver Regional Library’s tiny Yacolt Library Express (p. 18) is intriguing. Kit Ward-Crixell reimagines collection development using non-traditional sources (p.9) and Tony Wilson (p. 14) and Shardè Mills (p. 17) get to the root of it all by reimagining the role of the library and the librarian.
The Seattle Public Library took the “novel-in-residence” concept to a whole new level for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and Linda Johns provides innovative programming ideas around this event (p. 20).
Partnerships are more important than ever, and Sharyn Merrigan and Morgen Larsen discuss how teacher-librarians can partner with science teachers in support of Next Generation Science Standards (p. 22), while Corie Jones gives teacher-librarians the tools to be strong advocates for school libraries (p. 23). Becky Ramsey-Leporati’s experience as a librarian at a non-librarian conference highlights positive partnerships between librarians and academics (p. 24.) We’ll also look at the career of former Washington State Librarian and Director of the Washington State Library, Dr. Rand Simmons, as he envisions his new role at the State Library (p. 25.).
Regular columns include important news at the state and federal level from Simmons and John Sheller in the Legislative Update (p .5); new ways to provide staff training in Learning Curve (p. 26); and David Wright recommends
Alki Editor: Frank Brasile
Alki Editorial Committee: Diane Cowles, committee chair; Molly Allen; Sheri Boggs; Kelly Evans; Sean Fullerton; Becky Ramsey; Tami Robinson; Tony Wilson
Alki was designed by Tammy Reniche, Director of Publications for Melby Cameron & Anderson.
Cover Photo: Award-winning Vancouver Community Library, a branch of the Fort Vancouver Regional Library District. Photography by Nic Leheux courtesy of The Miller Hull Partnership.
Download the full-color PDF issue below.
Published November 2015
by Darcy Brixey
by Frank Brasile
by John Sheller
by Molly Allen
by Diane Cowles
by Kit Ward-Crixell
by Katy McLaughlin
by Julia Thompson
by Tony Wilson
by Shardè Mills
by Tigh Bradley
by Linda Johns
by Morgen Larsen and Sharyn Merrigan
by Corie Jones
by Becky Ramsey Leporati
by Frank Brasile
by Gerie Ventura, Darlene Pearsall and Carolyn Petersen
by David Wright