“Autumn is beetling to an end and while it grows colder, curl up with our winter issue starring intellectual freedom (IF). IF, an essential value in keeping the library stew vital, is guaranteed by the First Amendment. For the ins and outs of IF and how to talk about it with patrons, Darlene Pearsall interviews an IF training guru (p6). Sherri Boggs moves beyond the theoretical in her tale of initial reluctance, and then joy, at taking part in a Spokane IF event (p15). Diane Cowles introduces Seattle Public Library staff who grew up in life-threatening circumstances and no IF in their respective Vietnam and China (see cover photo) (p5). In an informative throwback to a pre-digital government age, Cass Hartnett and Taryn Marks deliver intriguing back stories (p16). It’s not just Kermit the Frog who cheers green—Amanda Clarke writes about ease and options when greening the library (p22). Cameron Johnson digs deep to determine, What’s loitering in the work fridge (p25).
Alki Editor: Joyce Hansen
Alki Editorial Committee: Diane Cowles, committee chair; Steven Bailey; Sheri Boggs; Kelly Evans; Emily Keller; Becky Ramsey, Akli intern; Tami Robinson; Anna Shelton; Tony Wilson
Alki was designed by Tammy Reniche, Director of Publications for Melby Cameron & Anderson.
Cover Photo: Toan Nguyen, assistant manager at The Seattle Public Library, Beacon Hill Branch, and Wei Cai, (r) regional manager of five southeast branches of The Seattle Public Library, both grew up in countries with no intellectual freedom. Photo by Warren Chin.
Download the full-color PDF issue below.
by Nancy Ledeboer
by Joyce Hansen
by Diane Cowles
by Darlene Pearsall
by Tony Wilson
by Tami Echavarria Robinson
by Steven Bailey
by Sheri Boggs
by Cass Hartnett and Taryn Marks
by Darcy Brixey
by Amanda Clarke
by Cameron Johnson
by David Wright