This issue focuses on the 2014 WLA Conference in Wenatchee, April 30—May 2. It featured a number of authors, including a breakfast keynote by charming gardening celebrity and Seattle Times columnist Ciscoe Morris; lively conversation with a crew from the Seattle7Writers group for dinner keynote speakers Terry Brooks, Jim Lynch, Sean Beaudoin, and Jennie Shortridge; and an absorbing breakfast keynote from Marissa Meyer. Discussions of the digital realm—Internet, devices, security, publishing, privacy, innovation, marketing—were everywhere. Other sessions highlighted the how to and what for of the Affordable Care Act, engaging adult patrons in play, library design, volunteers, and material challenges, among others. WLA has many of the session handouts on its website.
Darlene Pearsall tells us about a preconference high spot: a session of improv which challenged participants to think on their feet—useful training for working with our wonderful, and yet sometimes, unpredictable patrons (p. 7). Children’s librarian Kendra Jones engages her conference audience in the how to of guerilla storytime (p. 6). Also recommended in this issue are Tony Wilson’s arbitrary highlights of the conference (p. 14), and some very funny advice for replacing inferior television shows with entertainment fit for library zealots, by Susan Madden and Kristen Edwards (p. 31). With his usual panache, David Wright considers the implications of the Great War and recommends books by authors who were in the war (p. 16).
Alki Editor: Joyce Hansen
Alki Editorial Committee: Diane Cowles, committee chair; Steven Bailey; Sheri Boggs; Theresa Kappus; Emily Keller; Brent Mills; Tami Robinson; Anna Shelton; Tony Wilson
Alki was designed by Tammy Reniche, Director of Publications for Melby Cameron & Anderson.
Cover photo: 2013 Conference, Theme Graphic
Download the full-color PDF issue below.
by Nancy Ledeboer
by Joyce Hansen
by John Sheller
by Kendra Jones
by Darlene Pearsall
by Tami Echavarria Robinson
by Theresa Kappus
by Tony Wilson
by David Wright
by Terry Walker
by Nancy Ledeboer and John George
by Lisa Vos
by Steven Bailey
by S. Madden and K. Edwards