The theme of this year’s annual conference was “The Future is NOW,” and this issue of Alki fits that theme well. As is typical of conference issues, there is a mix of reporting from conference sessions, reviews and analyses, and deeper investigation of conference themes and ideas. And the articles in this issue present a multitude of possibilities for thinking about the future.
As always, Tony Wilson presents his careful and original thinking on the future of libraries, in this case taking on ebooks, library publishing, and conversation (p. 9.) Eura Szuwalski reminds us that whenever we plan for technology, we need to make sure we aren’t leaving any of our community members out (p. 16). And Dan Howard argues that WLA needs to take a long, hard look at its core beliefs regarding internet filtering (p. 11).
The annual conference gives us an opportunity to recognize some of the outstanding work that is taking place in our libraries and in our organization, as well as to welcome and encourage new leaders to our ranks. Read the stories of WLA’s award and scholarship winners (p. 25) to get a sense of both the solid foundation and exciting new possibilities being created by the people who make up this organization.
On that note, I am pleased to welcome Jennifer Wiseman as WLA’s new president. Her inaugural “Up Front” column (p. 2) provides a sturdy framework for thinking about how WLA can grow and change as an organization. I’m also pleased to welcome three new members to Alki’s editorial committee: Stephen Bailey; Anna Shelton, who has served for the past year as an editorial intern, and who is now stepping into a regular committee position; and Brent Mills, our new editorial intern.
Finally, I am both excited and a little sad to announce that this is my final issue as editor. I have greatly enjoyed working with the editorial committee for the past five years (first as an intern, then as a committee member, and for three years as editor). It’s been a marvelous way to learn about the challenges and successes of Washington libraries and to engage with difficult and interesting ideas about where they should be going. I’m thrilled that Joyce Hansen will be taking the editorial helm. Joyce is a journalist and a librarian, and she is excited about taking full advantage of the opportunities offered by electronic publication. I’m looking forward to seeing where Joyce takes Alki!
Alki Editor: Bo Kinney
Alki Editorial Committee: Diane Cowles, committee chair; Stephen Bailey; Theresa Kappus; Emily Keller; Tami Robinson; Cadi Russell-Sauvé; Anna Shelton; Tony Wilson; Brent Mills, Alki intern
Alki was designed by Tammy Reniche, Director of Publications for Melby Cameron & Anderson.
Cover photo: 2013 Conference, Theme Graphic
Download the full-color PDF issue below.
by Jennifer Wiseman
by Bo Kinney
by John Sheller
by Ann Crewdson
by Anna Shelton
by Tony Wilson
by Theresa Kappus
by Dan Howard
by Tami Echavarria Robinson
by Eura Szuwalski
by Sonia Gustafson
by Cadi Russell-Sauvé
by Josephine Camarillo
by Cindy Wigen
by Kirsten Edwards
by Mary Ross
by Betha Gutsche
by Andrea Gough