This issue of Alki explores some exciting educational initiatives undertaken by all types of libraries in Washington. For example, Fred Nollan describes a successful collaboration between Seattle Central Community College and several local libraries and archives (p. 7), and Julie Miller looks at the broad range of services university library curriculum centers offer, as well as the challenges they face (p. 11).
In addition to the educational function of libraries themselves, libraries must address the related question of education for the people who work in them. In this issue, Kate Skinner asks whether library education is adequately preparing rural librarians (p. 14), and Tami Robinson compiles the thoughts of several recent library school graduates about their educational experiences (p. 17).
I want to note that some of the topics addressed in this issue might be considered controversial. Sarah Lynch (p. 5) and Kate Laughlin (p. 29) confront the always difficult issue of pornography and Internet filtering in public libraries. In addition, Tony Wilson (p. 20) and David Wright (p. 31) offer contrasting views of the educational role of the readers’ advisor. I am happy that Alki offers space for these diverse viewpoints, and I hope you will find these pieces provocative. We intend the utmost respect for Alki’s readership and for the difficult decisions that all library workers face with regard to these issues. Please contact me at [email protected] with your reactions and I will try to keep the conversation going.
Alki Editor: Bo Kinney
Alki Editorial Committee: Diane Cowles, committee chair; Samantha Becker; Theresa Kappus; Emily Keller; Tami Robinson; Cadi Russell-Sauvé; Kate Skinner; Tony Wilson
Alki was designed by Tammy Reniche, Director of Publications for Melby Cameron & Anderson.
Cover photo: Chuck Pratt provides personal instruction to patrons through Sno-Isle Libraries’ Book-a-Librarian program. See article on page 6.
Download the full-color PDF issue below.
by Brian Soneda
by Bo Kinney
by Sarah Lynch
by Diane Cowles
by Fred Nollan
by Chelsea Leachman
by Julie Miller
by Kate Skinner
by Tami Echavarria Robinson, with Amy C. Rice, Amanda C.R. Clark and Jason Stuart
by Tony Wilson
by John George
by Jeanne Fondrie
by Kirsten Edwards
by Kate Laughlin
by David Wright