This issue of Alki focuses on strategies for renewal and reengagement. One recurring theme is the use of technology to revitalize our libraries, as in “Everything Old Is New Again” by Bo Kinney and “A Legacy of Learning” by Susan James. Both articles describe how the digitization of local history artifacts not only increases access to historical information, but can also reenergize communities. In “Ja, genau!” Sara Hatch describes the technology-driven culture change at her library and offers a strategy for adapting.
Another strategy for renewal is to learn a new skill or seek out a new experience. In “The Guadalajara International Bookfair,” Nadean Meyer gets outside of her linguistic comfort zone (she doesn’t speak Spanish) to renew her interest in selecting foreign language materials. If you still aren’t sure of the difference between synchronous and asynchronous online learning, Jennifer Fenton provides a primer in her article “Renew Your Skills with Online Resources.” And according to Angelina Benedetti, everything she needed to know about cooking she learned as a reference librarian in “A Shelftaught Cook.”
If you really want to be re-energized, take a big risk. The Washington alumni of PNLA Leads, the biennial library leadership institute for our region, describe the impacts of the week-long intensive institute on their work and lives in “Growing Our Own.” I had the privilege of being a mentor at the 2008 institute, and I was revitalized by the quality and passion of the participants. (I was even inspired by one member of my group to begin taking yoga classes, something that had always intimidated me. The stress reduction benefits of yoga have been life-changing. Megan, if you’re reading this—thank you! Namaste.)
This issue of Alki includes a new column, titled “The Learning Curve,” by WLA Program Coordinator Kate Laughlin. In this first column, Kate introduces Elluminate, WLA’s newest tool for providing virtual training, online group work, and committee meetings. “The Learning Curve” will provide WLA members with another strategy for renewal—through WLA programs.
Finally, David Wright reminds us to lighten up in this issue’s “I’d Rather Be Reading.” A belly laugh is good for the heart and the soul!
Alki Editor: Julie Miller
Alki Editorial Committee: Sue Anderson, committee chair; Matthew Berube; Michael Cook; Diane Cowles; Lynne King; Bo Kinney; Erin Krake; Rayette Sterling
Alki was designed by Tammy Reniche, Director of Publications for Melby Cameron & Anderson.
Front Cover Photos: Background photo and center inset taken by Ielleen Miller at Schweitzer Mountain Resort, PNLA Leads 2008. Left and right inset photos from PNLA Leads 2006 and 2004 (respectively), courtesy of PNLA.
Download the full-color PDF issue below.
by Tim Mallory
by Julie Miller
by Nadean Meyer
by Sarah Nelsen
by Susan James
by Bo Kinney
by Jennifer Fenton
by Vikki J. Carter
by Mary Dewalt and Julie Miller
by Sara Hatch
by Justin Otto
by Kate Laughlin
by Angelina Benedetti
by the WLA Scholarship Committee
by Dana Murphy Love
by Phil Heikkinen
by David Wright