“Ponderoso caballero es Don Dinero,” says Jim Hightower, editor of the political newsletter The Hightower Lowdown. “Money is a very big fella.”
American society today wants to assign a monetary value to almost everything, so everything tends to be considered in relation to money. Money can’t buy love, integrity, or a good name, but it nonetheless can make a lot of things possible in libraries. While none of the articles in this issue requires a calculator or accounting skill, many have to do with acquiring, retaining, and disposing of money
The issue in your hands marks Alki’s twentieth anniversary. It represents a legacy to which many of us have contributed and of which all of us should be proud. And recently, Alki reached another milestone when we shipped off our full Alki backfile to the people at Wilsonline, who want to import all back issues. Quite a compliment to WLA. Here’s to the next twenty years.
Alki Editor: Cameron A. Johnson
Alki Editorial Committee: Lynn Barnes; Tami Echavarria Robinson; Brian Soneda; Rayette Sterling; Bonnie Taylor; Margaret Thomas; Mary Wise; Linda Johns, Intern; Carla McLean, Chair
Cover by Joan Blacker and Kevin Duncan
Download the full-color PDF issue below.
Published March 2005
by Margaret Thomas, Washington State University Energy Library
by Laura C. McCarty, Mukilteo Library
by Mary Wise, Central Washington University
by Karen Goettling, Washington State Library
by Jennie Westlund, University of Washington
by Cameron A. Johnson, Everett Public Library
by Scott Condon, Everett Public Library
by Mary Wise, Central Washington University, and Zippy Nickerson, Central Washington University
by Cameron A. Johnson, Everett Public Library
by David Kent, Peninsula College
by John Sheller
by Cameron A. Johnson
by Jenine Lillian
by David Wright