Ever since beginning publication, Alki has featured a conference issue each volume, for the purpose of reporting and reflecting on the proceedings of WLA’s Annual Conference. Why a conference issue? Is the Annual Conference so special? As this year’s conference in Pasco demonstrated, the answer is yes.
Although WLA and its Interest Groups hold meetings, conferences, workshops, lobbying sessions, etc., throughout the year, the Annual Conference is still the biggest event in the calendar of the Washington Library Association. For many WLA members, Annual Conference is a big event in their individual professional lives as well. Conference is an opportunity to update knowledge, to establish and continue friendships with colleagues around the state, to participate in the business of the Washington library community. Conference provides a way to break the isolation of each of us in our library subcommunities, to connect across the boundaries of geography, library type, and library specialty. And since WLA members select and, to a large extent, present the programs, Annual Conference is an indicator of the interests, values, and concerns of the Washington library community. It is important for the Association’s major publication to record and extend the themes of the conference.
Alki Editor: Carolynne Myall
Alki Editorial Committee: Sue Anderson; Kathleen Ardrey; Karen Diller; Nancy Huling; Cameron Johnson; Eva-Maria Lusk; Carla McLean; Nancy Schutz, intern; V. Louise Saylor, chair; Ginny Rabago, LINK editor
Cover by Dawn Holladay.
Download the full-color PDF issue below.
Published July 1999
by Cameron A. Johnson, Everett Public Library
by Carolynne Myall, Eastern Washington University Libraries
by Evie Wilson-Lingbloom, Edmonds Library
by Jennifer Merry, Ellensburg Public Library
by Kathleen Ardrey, Friends of Seattle Public Library
by Sue Anderson, Spokane Falls Community College Library, and Kathy Bullene, Eastern Washington University Libraries
by Angelina Benedetti, Redmond Library
by Karen R. Diller, Washington State University Vancouver Library
by Nicole Campbell, Washington State University Vancouver Library
by Rodger Hauge, Board of Trustees, Stevens County Rural Library District
by Angelynn King, Armacost Library, University of Redlands
by Cindy Cunningham, Amazon.com
by Carolynne Myall, Eastern Washington University Libraries
by Tom Reynolds, Edmonds Library
Washington Library Association 1999 Awards
Washington Library Friends and Trustees Association 1999 Awards
Washington Library Association 1999 Scholarship Winner
Carol Gill Schuyler Elected Vice President/President Elect
by Nancy Pearl, Seattle Public Library