Table of Contents
Published July 1997
Funny Bid'nis, a conversation with Molly Ivins
by Jennifer Reynolds, The Evergreen State College
The Ethics of Affordability: Community, Compassion, and the Public Trust
by Theodore Roszak, California State University
Cultural Rage and Computer Literacy, a response to Theodore Roszak
by Michelle Kendrick, Washington State University
Outsource the Routines, Retain the Expertise
by Jim Dwyer, Chico State University
by Joan Weber, Yakima Valley Community College
From the Editor - Use the Filter You Were Born With
by Vince Kueter, Alki Editor
WLA Communiqué - Legislative Day was a Rousing Success!
by John Sheller, 1997-98 Legislative Day Co-Chair
The Vertical File - News from around Libraryland
Focus on Youth - Collecting Memories and Remembering Collections
by Thom Barthelmess, Spokane County Library District
Your Best Face - Washington Libraries Respond Creatively to Internet Access Issues
by Mary Kelly, Sno-Isle Library System
Who's On First - Unrestricted Internet Access at Public Libraries...Or Not?
by Tom Reynolds, Sno-Isle Library System
Only Connect - Don't Overlook the Human Factor
by James J. Kopp, University of Portland
I'd Rather Be Reading - My Own Private "Dui"
by Nancy Pearl, Seattle Public Library
VERSO - The Primal Shush--Don't Fight It!
by Cameron Johnson, Everett Public Library